Use "advocator|advocators" in a sentence

1. 4 words related to Constitutionalist: advocate, advocator, exponent, proponent

2. Synonyms for Benefactresses include friends, patrons, backers, supporters, benefactors, adherents, partisans, advocates, advocators and apostles

3. Oscar Wilde and Walter Pater, both notorious advocators of the theory of"art for art's sake."

4. Advowry advowson adze ae ̈rial ae ̈rostation ae ̈rostatist Aedan Aedui Aegean advocator in Welsh English-Welsh dictionary

5. Abandoner abdicator abolisher accomplisher acknowledger activator actuator acupuncture administer admonisher adulterer adventurer advertiser advertizer advocator afrikaner afterburner aggrandizer agitator agriculture Airworthier alabaster alexander allegator alligator allocator alma-mater alternator altimeter altogether alveolar ambassador